Pastoral Care

Sharing Your News
We encourage you to let us know when an illness, death, transition, or joyful event occurs in your life. Please contact any the Rector or Parish Secretary in the Parish Office.
Adding a Name to the Prayer List
The Trinity Prayer List is found in the weekly bulletin and in the monthly newsletter. We offer publish an Immediate Needs list of those with current, short-term need of prayer as well as an Ongoing Needs list for those with continuing prayer needs. If you wish to add a name to either list, contact the Rector or Parish Secretary in the Parish Office. Also, please use the message form on the Contact Us page to request a prayer shawl for your prayer recipient.
Prayers for Healing
Prayers for healing are offered at the altar during communion on the first Sunday of each month and at each Wednesday service at 5:30 pm.
Pastoral Emergencies
If you have a Pastoral Emergency contact the Parish Office. After hours instructions are available on the voice mail messages of the clergy.
Pastoral Visits and Home Communion
Our Rector and Lay Parish Visitors make visits to parishioners who are homebound or who, either through temporary illness or physical difficulty, are unable to attend services at the church. If you or someone you know might like to be visited through this program, please contact the Parish Office.
Sunday Bulletins & Announcements
Sunday Bulletins and Announcements will be mailed to homebound parishioners upon request by contacting the Parish Office. This allows homebound parishioners to stay connected to the church .
Vestry Flock
Each Vestry member is assigned a list of parishioners to be included in their “flock.” Vestry members are responsible to these members, to keep them informed, serve as a contact person for questions, send cards and establish good communication.